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COMNET ENTRY // December 26, 2104 Covenant Ship Xenomorph

Daniels and Tennessee push a xenomorph out of the USCSS Covenant over Planet 4.

Source: Alien: Covenant (Photoshop Filtered)

Source: Alien: Covenant (Photoshop Filtered)

Source: Alien: Covenant (Photoshop Filtered)

Source: Alien: Covenant (Photoshop Filtered)

Xenomorph on the USCSS Covenant

Xenomorph on the USCSS Covenant

Source: Alien: Covenant (Photoshop Filtered)

Daniels in the Cargo Bay

Daniels in the Cargo Bay

Source: Alien: Covenant (Photoshop Filtered)

Xenomorph in Covenant Cargo Bay

Xenomorph in Covenant Cargo Bay

Source: Alien: Covenant (Photoshop Filtered)

Xenomorph Prepares to Re-Enter

Xenomorph Prepares to Re-Enter

Source: Alien: Covenant (Photoshop Filtered)

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