The images below provide examples that match up to the Alien: Engineers script descriptions of the meeting between Dr. Holloway and Dr. Shaw with Peter Weyland, Vickers, and David near the timing of the Yutani Corporation intercept. The furniture in the room is similar to what is shown in the hologram played on arrival to LV-223.

Alien: Engineers
Alien: Engineers (Script by Jon Spaihts, beginning page 7, names reconciled to Prometheus)
A luxurious lobby. Tasteful lighting. Eames-era furniture in wood and chrome: the past’s vision of the future. David leads past models of planets, moons and asteroids. Holographic labels and data swirl around them.

These are all the planetary bodies on which Weyland Industries has mining claims.
The end of the hall is dominated by a huge globe of Mars.
Markings indicate widespread surface activity.
David (CONT’D)
And Mars. Weyland’s crown jewel.
Dr. Charlie Holloway
How is that going? The terraforming.
Dr. Elizabeth Shaw
They say you’re getting diminishing returns. It’s not working.
It’s the greatest engineering project ever attempted. Challenges are inevitable. Mr. Weyland’s a determined man.
Dr. Charlie Holloway
This is the writing of the Engineers. We’ve found it on every continent. And last year, we found our Rosetta Stone.
The display shows the Engineer obelisk under the sea.

Dr. Elizabeth Shaw
The writing is a formula giving the location of a single star in our sky.
Peter Weyland
Which star?
Dr. Charlie Holloway
We’re keeping that confidential for now. But that’s where we want to go.
Peter Weyland
You want me to pay for an interstellar research expedition!
Dr. Charlie Holloway
It’s a chance to be part of a revolution in scientific...
Dr. Charlie Holloway
Don’t sell me, professor. You’ve been turned down by every university and government agency under the sun. Nobody’s going to gamble that kind of money on your hunch.
Holloway deflates. Watts winces. This is a bloodbath.
Peter Weyland (CONT’D)
Nobody but me.
(he grins)
I’ve read your research.
Dr. Charlie Holloway
That’s impossible. Our research is-
Peter Weyland
Quantum encoded on secure servers, yeah. We have an A.I. division, you should know. Doing impressive things.
(he leans across the desk)
I know which star you’re wishing on.
The scientists stare at Weyland.
Dr. Elizabeth Shaw
You’re bluffing.
Peter Weyland
Zeta Two Reticuli.
He regards their shocked faces with satisfaction.
He swivels back to his desk. Rummages in a drawer.
Peter Weyland (CONT’D)
My people checked your science. They say it’s solid.
He pulls a thick contract out. Drops it in front of Holloway.
Peter Weyland (CONT’D)
I’ll give you your expedition. Ship and crew, supplies, support. One condition.
Holloway picks up the contract with the cautious joy of a man double-checking a lottery ticket.
His voice is husky:
HOLLOWAY What’s that?
Peter Weyland
You get the discovery. Control of the site. But any technology you find? Anything at all. That’s mine.
Holloway reaches out slowly and picks up the contract. Riffles the pages of small-print legalese.
Peter Weyland (CONT’D)
You take David with you. My eyes and ears. And’re going too.
Vickers stares at Weyland in shock."